Doughboy Professional Install(TM) Version 2.02 for Windows Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 NeoPoint Technologies - All Rights Reserved NeoPoint Technologies P.O. Box 2281 Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3C 4A6 Office: (204) 668-8180 - International Orders, Questions and Tech Support FAX : (204) 661-6904 - Orders, Questions and Technical Support Orders: (800) 665-9668 - Orders Only. Operators DO NOT have product info. Toll Free within Canada and USA. Short Description of Doughboy Professional Install ================================================== Doughboy Professional Install is an Installation Program and Disk Set Builder for the Microsoft Windows Operating environment. It is a no-programming method of installation program generation. Using a visual approach, the developer can simply use the mouse to specify which directory their application is located in, modify the customization options if they wish, and click on "Build Master Disks". Notice ====== This is the evaluation or "shareware" version of Doughboy Professional Install 2.0. Under no circumstance may any disk set produced with an unlicensed version of Doughboy Professional be distributed. Purchasers of Doughboy Professional Install will be given a licence to distribute any disk set, in any quantity, created by Doughboy Professional. See the file ORDERING.TXT for more information on ordering. Introduction ============ Doughboy Professional Install is a powerful yet extremely easy to use Installation Program Generator and Disk Set Builder for Windows. Within minutes you can have a professional looking INSTALL program for your software, as well as a set of disks ready to be duplicated and shipped out! Doughboy Professional is designed to be a time and energy saving tool. As a developer, you will have more time to concentrate on creating your application rather than worrying about the complexities of writing an installation program or how you can fit your large files on the distribution disks. Write your software, and then let Doughboy Professional Install worry about these other issues! Doughboy Professional Install 2.0 Features ========================================== Doughboy Professional Install 2.0 retains a number of features from earlier version such as high speed data compression, CRC-32 data integrity checking, automatic splitting of large files across multiple disks, creation of Program Manager Groups and icons, display of a background bitmap image, display or readme.txt file, system configuration checking for items such as Windows Version and CPU Type, and command line parameter passing for run-time engines. An exact image of your application is retained, including attributes, time/date stamp, subdirectories and file placement. Features new to version 2.0 include enhanced system checking for screen resolution and color depth, file redirection to the Windows, System or any other directory, prefixes for Program Manager Group Items, longer icon and group descriptions, a moveable status box, installation program can be named Install or Setup, English and French language versions of the installation program, and a host of other productivity and reliability featues. Reliability =========== With close to three years since the release of our first Windows based installation program, we have used this experience to make Doughboy Professional Install 2.0 as robust and reliable as posssible. It has undergone extensive testing on many systems and configurations by a number of our customers as well as ourselves and in a variety of situations. Doughboy and Doughboy Professional have been used in thousands of installations around the world. We have customers in as diverse loactions as Canada, USA, Australia, Germany, England, France, Africa, Brazil, Thailand, Japan, Switzerland, Norway and many more. From small companies to large corporations, our installation products are being used to save time and money every day! Pricing ======= As one magazine reviewer noted, "it's so simple and quick you'll recover the cost the first time you use it". Priced at $149 US, Doughboy Professional Install 2.0 includes a Royalty-Free license to distribute the disk sets created by it. We can even ship overnight if deadline are approaching faster than you'd like! Please refer to the on-line help system for more information and how to order! - End of Document -